
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Thursday, June 14, 2007

This Constitutes Biting Rhetoric On The Right

What a cogent argument - that Harry Reid is irrelevant because of the way he looks and sounds.

Coming from the guy who looks the same as his 1988 Young Comedians Special headshot only without the rolled up Miami Vice sportjacket sleeves, and whose voice is literally the most mocked in the history of comedy, the epitome of faux-hipster "hey chi-chi" cynicism, a voice that attempts to make a big point by, you know, SOUNDING like it, without saying anything of substance at all.

Also, you've got a guy talking about the Senate Majority Leader irrelevant who just signed on to host a game show on GSN, which about four people in this country could find with a universal remote and a flashlight. Believe me, I've worked at GSN, Charles Nelson Reilly is still relevant on that channel and he died last month.

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