
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Game Set And Match

I believe they call this documentary evidence.

Documents indicate eight congressional leaders were briefed about the Bush administration's terrorist surveillance program on the eve of its expiration in 2004, contradicting sworn Senate testimony this week by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales [...]

A Gonzales spokesman maintained Wednesday that the attorney general stands by his testimony.

At a heated Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday, Gonzales repeatedly testified that the issue at hand was not about the terrorist surveillance program, which allowed the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on suspects in the United States without receiving court approval.

Instead, Gonzales said, the emergency meetings on March 10, 2004, focused on an intelligence program that he would not describe [...]

A four-page memo from the national intelligence director's office says the White House briefing with the eight lawmakers on March 10, 2004, was about the terror surveillance program, or TSP.

The memo, dated May 17, 2006, and addressed to then-House Speaker Dennis Hastert, details "the classification of the dates, locations, and names of members of Congress who attended briefings on the Terrorist Surveillance Program," wrote then-Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte.

It's OK, because Abu G is going to clear it up with Congress. OK, he's going to have his spokesman clear it up. Actually he doesn't know what the spokesman's going to say. But it's all fine.

Anyway, what he lied about is classified, so you totally can't know about it, so you don't know if he lied. So there.

This is a clear case of perjury, repeated and willful perjury, a lie to cover up another series of lies. It's time to impeach Alberto Gonzales.

UPDATE: The best "defense" of Abu G that can be mustered:

On the other hand, former GOP House Intelligence Chairman Porter Goss, "does not recall anyone saying the project must be ended,' spokeswoman Jennifer Millerwise Dyck said.

As long as nobody said it should end, that constitutes an endorsemdent. By extension, as long as nobody says that I DON'T own the million dollars I just found in the street, I'm allowed to keep it.

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