Phony Law Enforcement Badges
Considering the criminal enterprise being run out of the White House these days, maybe the Mitt Romney campaign is just undergoing some heavy preparation:
In an apparent violation of the law, a controverisal aide to ex-Gov. Mitt Romney created phony law enforcement badges that he and other staffers used on the campaign trail to strong-arm reporters, avoid paying tolls and trick security guards into giving them immediate access to campaign venues, sources told the Herald.
The bogus badges were part of the bizarre security tactics allegedly employed by Jay Garrity, the director of operations for Romney who is under investigation for impersonating a law enforcement officer in two states. Garrity is on a leave of absence from the campaign while the probe is ongoing.
A campaign source said Garrity directed underlings on Romney’s presidential staff to use the badges at events nationwide to create an image of security and to ensure that the governor’s events went smoothly.
So Team Romney has deployed its own police staff to enforce the law as they saw fit, literally making up the rules as they went along.
And that's different how?
I think Romney's going to be their guy. Just look, he's got the "rally the base through fear" part down:

Nice spellin' on moma. Unless Chelsea Clinton bought the Museum of Modern Art.
Labels: 2008, law enforcement, Mitt Romney
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