
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Friday, August 31, 2007

Snowed Out

Tony Snow made it official, he'll be stepping down in two weeks. I can't believe that the traditional media is going with this story that it's for financial reasons. The guy made millions for a decade on Fox News, and as a former White House press secretary he can ride the wingnut welfare train for tens of thousands of dollars per speaking appearance.

No, the real reason is clearly the grind of the job for someone undergoing chemotherapy. He didn't look that well today, and I don't understand why that's hard to say. He's battling cancer and he needs to pay attention to that. No need for a cover story.

I wish him well in his battle against the disease. It's fitting that this week saw the Lance Armstrong Livestrong Cancer Forum. Tony Snow could do something very positive by coming forward and giving more attention to something that affects practically every American, either personally or through a friend or family member.

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