
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Monday, October 08, 2007

Frame This Quote And Put It On Your Wall

This really is everything you need to know about the commentariat that rules our discourse. Fred Barnes is a Bush apologist, but I don't think this quote would inspire much resistance inside Washington.

You know, I've thought for a long time that Obama's not in quite as strong a position on the war in Iraq as he really thinks he is. Remember, when he famously came out against the war, it was back in a time when the entire world believed that Saddam Hussein in Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, that he would probably be willing to use them himself at some time or pass them along to terrorists who would use them. And yet, Barack Obama was against going to the war at that point. I don't think that shows that he is very strong on national security, which he needs to be.

Translation: See, Obama was right about everything, and we were wrong about everything, but that makes him deeply unserious, since we're always serious and everything must calibrate to us.

It's quite an incredible statement. And yet this is the true bias that you see in your morning paper and on your Sunday chat shows.

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