
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Hazy Days Of Brownback

I completely forgot about this bit of Sam Brownback trivia. Remember that he had an elaborate painting of himself in his own office? With fallen angels on it?

Brownback picture

Yep, that is a huge painting of Brownback superimposed over an American flag and the Capitol. Man, that is humility. And check out a close up of the bottom of the painting:

fallen angels

Yes indeed, those are angels with black wings, or fallen angels:

A fallen angel in Abrahamic traditions is an angel that has been exiled or banished from Heaven. Often such banishment is a punishment for disobeying or rebelling against God.

The best-known fallen angel is Satan. According to some traditions, fallen angels will roam the Earth until Judgment Day, when they will be banished to Hell.

The angels are looking up toward Brownback. I guess this is because they want redemption and Brownback is God.

Every time Sam Brownback drops out of a Presidential race, an angel loses his wings.

I also agree with Bowers, Brownback had no measurable support, therefore this doesn't "hurt" or "help" anyone.

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