
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Saturday, October 20, 2007


It occurs to me that I don't link James Wolcott enough, but he offers an incredible takedown of Roger Ailes and the launch of the Fox Business Channel, which was greeted in its inaugural week with a sustained drop in the stock market. Not enough cheerleading, I guess.

But for sheer brazenness, what took the biscuit was a bit of mockery from Ailes over CNBC's weekend schedule: "On Monday, for instance, Bill Carter of The New York Times wrote an article in which Mr. Ailes mocked the infomercials that CNBC runs on weekends (for 'nose tweezers and pimple squeezers,' he said)..."

Reading that, I wondered what Fox Business News would be putting on the air to counter CNBC's low-class leased-time nose-tweezer peddling. So picture my pretend surprise when I turned to Fox Biz (channel 43 on my Time Warner system) only to find that its Saturday morning/afternoon slate consists entirely of, yes, wall to wall infomericals. As I type, Chrissie Brinkley is demonstrating an at-home pulley-driven exercise machine that works all of the major muscle groups and stores easily in the closet [...]

I'm puzzled as to why Roger Ailes thinks his network's informercials are better--manlier, tawnier, more patriotic--than CNBC's. The papal smoke from his ass must be clouding his mind.

Have a read.

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