
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Authoritarianism Run Amok

This is the inevitable consequence of a right-wing movement that seeks only to diminish human freedom:

The Virginia GOP has found an interesting way to discourage non-Republicans from voting in their presidential primary. Voters will be required to sign an oath, pledging to support the party's nominee for president.

Loyalty oaths? That's where we're headed in our elections? Apparently Virginia Republicans aren't alone - Kansas is trying something similar. And Steve Benen notes similar "loyalty oaths" that came out of Bush-Cheney campaign events in 2004.

The Republican Party wants lockstep agreement. They want their supporters to be "avowedly with them." They seek a nation of robots.

Even David Freddoso at The Corner had a problem with this.

This is deeply troubling [...] I would feel differently if this were a private, party-funded event to pick the nominee — in that case, they can make you stand on your head for all I care. But Virginia has an open primary that is funded by the government. It is extremely strange that the state Board of Elections would allow this.

If the Republican Party really demanded absolute loyalty to Republican principles and not just votes, they would have to throw out every single one of their elected officials.

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