Now For A Trip Inside The Conservative Mind
Thers beat me to this one. So John Hawkins, a card-carrying member of the insaneosphere, wrote up a post called The 2nd Annual Worst Quotes From The Daily Kos. First of all, it's Daily Kos, not The Daily Kos, but that's immaterial. Here's the thrilling opening:
America's most influential blog is the Daily Kos. Democratic members of Congress post on the blog, Democratic presidential contenders cater to them, and Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas is considered to be a mainstream figure amongst Democrats.
Keep all of that in mind as you read these excerpts and quotes, all of which come from the Daily Kos writers, not from commenters on the blog.
The "Daily Kos writers" as Hawkins defines them are anyone who writes a diary on the site. So, "the Daily Kos writers" are now 100,000 strong! MarKKKos must be getting a lot of that Soros money to pay all them off!!! Did I mention Hitler? Let me throw in Hitler!
What's more, Hawkins picked as the "worst post at Daily Kos" a satire written by well-known satirist A.Whitney Brown of Saturday Night Live fame.
Next up for Hawkins: "Worst literature ever: this guy wants Irishmen to eat their own children!"
Labels: A.Whitney Brown, bloggers, Daily Kos, Right Wing News, wingnuts
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