
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Friday, January 04, 2008

Chris Dodd Is A Good Man

From an email:

I count the past year of campaigning for the presidency as one of the most rewarding in a career of public service.

Unfortunately, I am withdrawing from that campaign tonight.

But there is no reason to hang our heads this evening -- only the opportunity to look towards a continuation of the work we started last January: ending the Iraq War, restoring the Constitution, and putting a Democrat in the White House.

I know a lot of you came to this email list through a shared desire to return our nation to one that respects the rule of law, and I want to make one thing clear to all of you:

The fight to restore the Constitution and stop retroactive immunity does not end with my Presidential campaign. FISA will come back in a few weeks and my pledge to filibuster ANY bill that includes retroactive immunity remains operative.

You've been an invaluable ally in the battle, and I'll need you to stick by my side despite tonight's caucus results.

So, one more time, thank you for all of your efforts throughout the course of this entire Presidential campaign.

We made a real difference in shaping the debate, and we'll continue to do so in the coming days, weeks and years.

I'll never forget you, and what we've fought for, together, over the past year.

Chris Dodd

Biden also dropped out, by the way, and he too was good to have in the race. He was loose and showed a blueprint for how to talk strongly on foreign policy and against Republican fearmongers like Rudy.

Dodd is an inspiration. His campaign never took off, never had much of a chance. But he based it on the right things; the Constitution, restoring our image at home and abroad. He's going to face one heck of a fight on FISA in a few weeks, and we'll all be with him because he was the best leader in this campaign.

He has nothing to be ashamed of.

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