
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Through the Wonder Of Video

Here's that Rachel Maddow moment I mentioned last night:

Brilliant. You can hear the anger in Tweety's voice.


The more she's attacked on personal grounds, the more sympathy that real person will generate, the more votes she'll win from people sending a message to the media and her critics that they've gone way over the line of common decency. You underestimate that sympathy at your own peril. If I found myself half-rooting for her given the crap that was being flung at her, is it any wonder that women turned out in droves to send a message that sexist double-standards were unacceptable? Sure, it took one look at Terry McAuliffe's mug to bring me back down to earth, but most people don't know or care who McAuliffe is. They see people beating the shit out of Clinton for the wrong reasons, they get angry, and they lash back the only way they can -- by voting for her.

In a way, this is ALSO the media deciding the nominee, in reverse. Which is also a bad thing. But it's important for them to get the message that the punditocracy is more reviled than the politicians in this country.

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