
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Friday, February 22, 2008

Here We Go Again

The wingnuts really never learn, do they?

Barack Obama gave an anecdote last night about an Army captain who had a third of his rifle platoon scheduled to ship out to Afghanistan re-routed to Iraq, and "as a consequence, they didn't have enough ammunition, they didn't have enough humvees. They were actually capturing Taliban weapons, because it was easier to get Taliban weapons than it was for them to get properly equipped by our current commander in chief."

The right went NUTS. They claimed it was a scurrilous lie. Trip over your favorite wingnut site and you'll find a denunciation.

Fact check, party of one.

I called the Obama campaign this morning to chat about this story, and was put in touch with the Army captain in question.

He told me his story, which I found quite credible, though for obvious reasons he asked that I not mention his name or certain identifying information.

Short answer: He backs up Obama's story.

The longer answer is worth telling, though.

The Army captain, a West Point graduate, did a tour in a hot area of eastern Afghanistan from the Summer of 2003 through Spring 2004.

Prior to deployment the Captain -- then a Lieutenant -- took command of a rifle platoon at Fort Drum. When he took command, the platoon had 39 members, but -- in ones and twos -- 15 members of the platoon were re-assigned to other units. He knows of 10 of those 15 for sure who went to Iraq, and he suspects the other five did as well.

The platoon was sent to Afghanistan with 24 men.

"We should have deployed with 39," he told me, "we should have gotten replacements. But we didn't. And that was pretty consistent across the battalion."

After Jamil Hussein, and all of these other freak-outs, you'd think they'd learn their lesson. What a bunch of morons.

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