
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Here We Go

Top of the hour projections:

Illinois - Obama
Oklahoma - Clinton

NOTHING ELSE PROJECTED this early. That's fairly crazy. That means New Jersey, New YORK, Massachusetts, and Connecticut are too close to immediately call. This doesn't mean that Clinton will lose any of these states, but the closeness of them is pretty telling.


Illlinois - McCain
New Jersey - McCain
Massachusetts - Romney
Connecticut - McCain

McCain was campaigning in Massachusetts as late as yesterday. That looks like a bad move. Huckabee could win Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama, and Romney could take Missouri. Wow, McCain might not have nailed this one down after all.

UPDATE: New York hasn't stopped voting yet. Tennessee, Alabama and Delaware are too close to call on the Democratic side.

...Clinton gets Tennessee.

...Robert Menendez, Clinton supporter and Senator from New Jersey, made the interesting comment that what cost the election for us in 2004 was a big vote for Bush among "security Moms" and Latino voters. And those are Clinton's two strengths. Good point. However, I think the move of Latinos to the Democrats is going to be solid regardless of the nominee.

Huckabee has taken the lead in Georgia, McCain in Montana and Oklahoma, Huckabee in Missouri. Romney not doing a whole lot across the board.

...Clinton, Huckabee take Arkansas. No suprise, that's a home field advantage.

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