Strange Bedfellows
Yes, it's weird to see Hillary Clinton and Richard Mellon Scaife in the same room together.

I guess that if your last hope is to kneecap your opponent you might need the friendship of a professional smear merchant.
As Kevin Drum notes there was something of a detente in the works between Scaife and Clinton for some time. But just like seeing McCain hug Bush, the guy who whispered he had an illegitimate black baby, seeing Clinton and the guy who claimed she murdered Vince Foster hanging out together is unsettling. It's a question of personal dignity, honestly.
By the way Hillary's membership in the secretive right-wing prayer group "The Fellowship" is about to go mainstream. I don't want to have this who's-religion-is-acceptable debate but she brought up Rev. Wright with Mr. Scaife, so what's good for the goose, I guess.
Labels: Hillary Clinton, Richard Mellon Scaife
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