
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Monday, May 19, 2008

Brett Favre Draws 75,000 For Afternoon of Pigskin-Throwing!

This photo of Obama speaking in front of 75,000 Oregonians in Portland is inspiring, but it's a photo you can see about 100 times every football weekend from September to December - and those people pay to show up!

I'm not saying that this isn't some amazing feat, or that we all must shun football games and fun, but the fact that we're all marveling over something replicated over and over again shows our priority order in this country. I HOPE we're on to something different where people will crowd around by the tens of thousands to hear someone speak. Actually we'd be headed back to the future. They had 15,000 people at the second Lincoln-Douglas debate in Freeport, Illinois, and it wasn't even amplified!

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