
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Monday, May 19, 2008

My Money, Your Vote

This is some Tammany Hall shit, if true. And I don't think Clinton orchestrated it, actually, this is what some rich people do when they're trying to get what they want:

One of Sen. Hillary Clinton's top financial supporters offered $1 million to the Young Democrats of America during a phone conversation in which he also pressed for the organization's two uncommitted superdelegates to endorse the New York Democrat, a high-ranking official with YDA told The Huffington Post.

Haim Saban, the billionaire entertainment magnate and longtime Clinton supporter, denied the allegation. But four independent sources said that just before the North Carolina and Indiana primaries, Saban called YDA President David Hardt and offered what was perceived as a lucrative proposal: $1 million would be made available for the group if Hardt and the organization's other uncommitted superdelegate backed Clinton.

Contacted about the report, Saban, initially very friendly, became curt. "Not true," he said, "it's simply not true." He declined to elaborate. Did he talk to the YDA superdelegate? "I talk to many, many superdelegates. Some I don't even remember their names." Did he propose any financial transaction? "I have never offered them or anybody any money" in exchange for support or a vote, he said. The Clinton campaign did not return a request for comment.

If that doesn't tell you that we have to radically change the delegate selection process, nothing will. Whether you're an Obama supporter or a Clinton supporter, there can be no doubt that the manner in which the party chooses its nominee is haphazard, uneven, counter-factual, and simply unbecoming of a political party that prizes every vote and every voter. The system buckles when anything happens except a runaway winner taking charge early. The drawn-out fights get more drawn-out. The superdelegates decide the nominee, and even if most of them are elected it's unseemly. The number one topic on the agenda at the DNC after the election ought to be how to reform this busted system and come up with a primary process we can all be proud of.

I also agree with TBogg, the Presidency is not about picking the first whatever, it's about choosing someone fit to lead the country, and the devolution of this primary into identity politics was extremely unfortunate and sad, and it turned me off to the process in many ways. I'm over it now, but that's ALSO a factor of how the nominee was chosen. So it's all got to change.

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