The Outrage of the Century
You all know I've been a fan of Michelle Malkin for some time - and have touted her strong position in favor of immigration enforcement.
But now, I am calling on all Kossacks to boycott,, the Seattle Times where she used to work, the book "In Defense of Internment," flecks of spittle, and everything else remotely Malkin-related.
You see, she's clearly a jihadi sympathizer.

Is Malkin's blunder worth boycotting her website over? I'll be interested to hear her take. Hopefully, her choice in hate couture was borne more of ignorance than ideology. But you never know.
The only action Malkin can take to satisfy me is by yanking herself off of the site. I'm pretty sure, given the fact that her husband writes most of the blog anyway, the usual quality of the site will not suffer. But make no mistake, this is offensive. Michelle is within a couple of feet of a red-and-white checked pattern! How am I going to explain this to a child?
If she does in fact leave, it would be refreshing to see an American website show sensitivity to the concerns of those of us opposed to Islamic jihad and its apologists and wearers of garments that are somewhat similar. Or having them seated on the backs of chairs. Or whatever.
Anyway, makes me angry.
(h/t Gavin)
Labels: Dunkin' Donuts, kaffiyeh, Michelle Malkin, snark, wingnuts
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