
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Monday, May 26, 2008

Then What Is The Point Of Him, Really?

George Bush can't even draw cash anymore.

A Tuesday fundraiser headlined by President Bush for U.S. Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign is being moved out of the Phoenix Convention Center.

Sources familiar with the situation said the Bush-McCain event was not selling enough tickets to fill the Convention Center space, and that there were concerns about more anti-war protesters showing up outside the venue than attending the fundraiser inside.

Another source said there were concerns about the media covering the event.

Bush's Arizona fundraising effort for McCain is being moved to private residences in the Phoenix area. A White House official said the event was being moved because the McCain campaign prefers private fundraisers and it is Bush administration policy to have events in public venues open to the media. The White House official said to reconcile that the Tuesday event will be held at a private venue and not the Convention Center.

Convention Center personnel confirmed the event has been canceled at their venue.

Tickets to the event were to range from $1,000 to $25,000 for VIP treatment. Money was to go toward McCain's presidential bid and a number of Republican Party organs.

As near as I can tell, the only reason Bush is still president is because he can raise money. Without that ability, they can literally replace him with a robot trained to use the veto pen.

Funny how toxic he is that they'd send the event underground if the media even tried to cover it, too.

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