
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Obama Blowing Out McCain in California

But just you wait until St. BBQ starts cranking up those ads and spending an entire month non-stop in the state! After all, he's from the West, so people here like him! He's a maverick! He's-

Highlights of the latest Field Poll of Californians likely to vote in the upcoming November
presidential election reveal the following:

• Democrat Barack Obama now leads Republican John McCain by twenty-four points (54%
to 30%) in California.

• More Democratic Primary voters think Obama should not select Hillary Clinton as his vice-
presidential running mate (48%) as feel he should (40%). Yet, the decision of whether
Obama does or doesn't choose Clinton would have little effect on how these voters would
vote in the fall.

• Obama has consolidated the support of California Democrats and non-partisans who voted
for Clinton in California's February 5th primary election. The poll shows Obama preferred
over McCain by 80% to 8% among these voters.

• Three times as many Obama voters (51%) as McCain voters (17%) say they are “very
enthusiastic” about supporting their candidate for president in November.

• Obama's image rating among the overall California electorate (63% favorable vs. 26%
unfavorable) is more positive than McCain's (48% to 38%).

If you factor out undecided voters, it's 61-34. And Obama is leading 64% to 18% among DTS voters. McCain's only at 44% in the INLAND areas.

But McCain hasn't even got rolling yet! He needs to spend 6 weeks in Fresno just soaking in the local coverage! I'm demanding that he come to Fresno and Bakersfield to make this a race. He can do it! Come on, McCain, who are you going to believe, some poll or the heart of a maverick?

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