
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Memories of the Keating Five

As "Cut The Bullshit" McCain strides into Washington to get down to business on a plan that is pretty much already done and will be detailed almost entirely without his input, reporters who actually get to ask him a question are starting to make mention of the last time banks had to be massively bailed out in this country, and McCain's role in it:

McCain’s involvement in the “last great financial scandal in our country” has largely been ignored by the media. But local Ohio reporter Tom Beres finally forced McCain to comment on the Keating Five scandal in an interview yesterday. “Talk of greedy bankers, lax regulation brings back memories of the Keating Five,” Beres reported:

BERES: Is there some relevance of that chapter, which I think you have acknowledged was maybe not your proudest moment?

MCCAIN: It was a very unhappy period in my life. But the fact is that I moved forward and I have been the greatest voice for reform and against corruption in Washington than anybody.

Given the eleventy billion lobbyists affiliated with his campaign now, I'll leave it to know to make what you will of that last sentence. Of course, this lament from McCain is his typical M.O., apologizing for things that he should have not embarked upon on the first place. But for more of a background on the Keating 5, here's a solid visual history:

Send it to everyone you know.

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