
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Comedy Duo

Palin & Couric today:

COURIC: What do you think is the best and worst thing that Dick Cheney has done as Vice President?

PALIN: Worst thing I guess that would have been the duck hunting accident--where you know, that was an accident. And I think that was made into a caricature of him. And that was kind of unfortunate. So the best thing though, he's shown support, along with George W. Bush, of our troops. And I've been there when George Bush has spoken to families of those who have suffered greatly, those who are serving in the military. I've been there when President Bush has embraced those families and expressed the concern and the sympathy speaking for all of America in those times. And for Dick Cheney to have supported that effort of George Bush's, I respect that.


COURIC: What previous Vice President impresses you the most and why?

PALIN: Oh my goodness. It would have to be --Vice President--just a candidate, and that would have to have been Geraldine Ferraro, of course. That's an easy one for me because she's--she's the one who first shattered part of that glass ceiling anyway in American politics. So it would be she as a candidate.

COURIC: What about as an actual Vice President if you had to name one?

PALIN: My goodness. I think those who have gone on to the Presidency--George Bush Sr, having --kind of learned the ropes in his position as VP and then moving on up.

CBS needs to stop airing the news, and just give America a half hour of Katie Couric asking Palin questions every night. You ride a hit out as far as it can go.

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