
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Showdown At The IL Corral

The early report was that Roland Burris wouldn't resign but would agree not to run in 2010, but apparently that's not what he told Dick Durbin:

Sen. Dick Durbin said today that he told Sen. Roland Burris that he should resign.

But Burris, the junior and appointed senator from Illinois, told the senior senator from Illinois and No. 2 Democratic leader in the Senate that he would not resign, Durbin said.

Durbin said Burris refused to tell him whether or not he would run for election in 2010 Durbin said was "disappointed" in both responses, and said would not support Burris in any election bid. He said he would work with Burris as long as he remains in the Senate.

Durbin joins Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn and others in seeking the resignation of the senator appointed by the former and impeached Gov. Rod Blagojevich after Burris acknowledged that he had tried to raise campaign money for the governor.

No surprise that Burris is living in denial about it. He'll have to be pried out of that Senate chamber with a crowbar. And in 2010, he will get approximately less support than any incumbent politician ever.

And while I agree he should resign, I'm thinking David Vitter is REALLY not a good messenger to tell anyone they should resign for their "ethical shortcomings."

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