
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Thursday, March 19, 2009

CA-10: Field Clearing For DeSaulnier

Tom Torlakson took himself out of the running for the seat that will soon be vacated by Ellen Tauscher, and in the process he endorsed his friend Mark DeSaulnier:

Assemblymember Tom Torlakson, D-Antioch, said today he will continue his campaign for state schools chief and not run for a congressional seat currently held by Rep. Ellen Tauscher....

In making the announcement, Torlakson, who has held elective office in Contra Costa County for 30 years, said he would endorse Senator Mark DeSaulnier, D-Concord, to succeed Tauscher....

"The East Bay has been fortunate to have been served by Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher the past 12 years, and I wish her well as she prepares for this important new position with the Obama Administration," said Torlakson. "Mark DeSaulnier is the best person to continue her tradition of strong and effective leadership in Congress. He has the experience, intelligence, and character necessary to represent the residents of the district. I am pleased to endorse him and offer my full support for his upcoming campaign."

DeSaulnier isn't the most vocal member of the state legislature, but he is the chair of the Senate Labor Committee, and has been talking about the urgent need for reforming the insane state budget process since last October, including through a Constitutional convention. He's been a reliably good Democratic vote at all levels. Based on what I've been hearing, the unions are ready to line up behind DeSaulnier and they have a decent amount of fundraising power in this district.

Can we do better? In a shortened election cycle, I don't know. It's pretty clear to me that DeSaulnier is better than Joan Buchanan. I would rather see someone not in the legislature for the selfish reasons of having to pass another budget deal.

...CapAlert is floating Brent Jones as a candidate, which apparently is a tradition in this district stretching back to when he was still with the 49ers. Na Ga Happen.

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