CDP Convention Sunday Session Thread
OK, Art Torres is saying his goodbyes in his final convention as chair. To set up the day, we've already seen the new party officers elected, with the increased accountability from the selection of Hillary Crosby, the surprisingly good showing from Chris Finnie (24% of the vote), signaling the newfound muscle of the progressive grassroots.
The big showdown today will be over the party endorsements. The Resolutions Committee voted to endorse a Yes vote on all of them, but Prop. 1A will surely be pulled from the consent calendar. It's really anybody's guess what will happen after that. The party may vote on a substitute motion to endorse a "No" vote, or there may be an offer to go neutral on the proposition, or the Yes side will pass on the floor, or somebody could call quorum and throw the whole convention into chaos. We shall see.
I also spoke with Gavin Newsom, John Garamendi, Bill Hedrick (running in CA-44), Beth Krom (running in CA-48) and more in various blogger sessions, and we'll be rolling out some of those interviews throughout the week. Much more convention coverage to come.
...The LA Times went yes on all the props but 1B, by the way, which, since they are a center-right editorial board that detests public employee unions, makes perfect sense.
...Forgot to mention that Russ Warner announced last night at the Take Back Red California dinner that he would run again in CA-26 against David Dreier. Obama took that district, and the increased name recognition of Warner, who has already run district-wide, will surely help.
...After the regional directors finally finished giving out their awards, new state party chair John Burton comes out in a bowling shirt to the tune of Survivor's Eye of the Tiger.
...Burton basically calls for unity regardless of the differences on the ballot propositions on the budget. This "Democrats in disarray" meme is plenty overrated. We'll deal with whatever happens after May 19. Incidentally, mediaptera reports that Yes on 1A folks are getting paid $25 an hour to hand out lit at the convention.
...Burton says "we will be the party of peace, not only in Iraq but in Afghanistan." Wow, nice going. "We need some exit strategy in Afghanistan." He leaves to a standing ovation.
...Howard Dean enters to massive cheers and a standing ovation. "You have the power!" He made his biggest splash right here six years ago with his 2003 speech at the CDP, the speech that catapulted him in the 2004 Presidential race. He's talking about the "generational revolution" that Democrats have brought to America. "The first multicultural generation in the history of America, the first multicultural President in the history of America, and we took our country back. Isn't it great to be a Democrat?"
...Dean talks about the rise of Blue State Digital and how they came right out of the Dean campaign into Obama for America.
...Art Torres has introduced a colleague from his new organization, the founder of the Institute of Regenerative Medicine
...Debra Bowen will be introduced in a moment. She's a rising star in the party.
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