
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

What's Obscene About 9/11 Is The LANGUAGE

The 9/11 conservatives that went all wobbly and got into bed with the Republican party to combat Islamofascomuslokillerism ought to understand just what kind of people they're now committed to supporting:

The Rev. Donald Wildmon's American Family Association has urged members to protest against CBS's decision to air an updated version of its 9/11 documentary in which firemen and other emergency workers are seen swearing. Although the program had aired previously without challenge from the FCC, the commission has since ruled that similar language used by blues musicians in a PBS documentary was indecent. In its letter the AFA urged members to send complaints to the FCC and their local CBS affiliates. CBS said in a statement: "In order to ensure that viewers are aware of the language, we will include warnings in the broadcast, and Robert De Niro, who will again serve as host in a newly taped introduction to the program, will also alert viewers to the graphic language. This will allow ample notice for viewers to seek other programming if they feel this broadcast is not appropriate for their household.

Remember these are the same folks who wanted Saving Private Ryan censored because of the language.

The same people don't want you to see a documentary on the biggest terrorist attack on American soil because a couple firefighters will so uncouth as to swear when they saw bodies falling from the sky.

That's the serious group of folks that populate the conservative movement.
