
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Happy Anniversary

In what is becoming an annual tradition, I'd like to redirect all of the wayward Googlers who found this site today on the anniversary of D-Day (less now, as the Google monkeys have dropped me down on the main page).

National D-Day Memorial Foundation

Wikipedia entry

American Experience on D-Day from PBS

Webring of D-Day

Random wingnut argument that "Democrats would have pushed for an armistice before D-Day" or "If the media was around during D-Day they would have printed troop movements!" when in fact the Democrats were in charge during D-Day and newspapers existed then too.

Enjoy your anniversary! My grandfather was at Okinawa, maybe I should change the blog's name...

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